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> Important notice! : There's currently three weeks of delay between your order and shipment for all pedals. > UK customers : Be aware that since brexit UK customs will charge you around £49 to import a Blow! with full options.

A thousands tricks fuzzy pony! Update of the very first Glue Fuzz, this new version delivers a ton of major improvements! First the octave up section is now available via a footswitch to toggle between classic and octave up tones while playing. The octave up has also been redesigned for a nicer octave up tone, almost whammy like when playing up in the neck with your neck pickup on. The gain setting is larger, from almost clean to a huge wall of fuzz. The pedal is very responsive to your guitar volume and will clean up nicely at lower volumes! The tone stack has been redesigned with two pots and two switches to offer endless possibilities: mids can either be boosted or cut to the frequency of your choice, going from a fuzz face to a big muff style. The tone knob allows to dial in between vintage and modern tones and at high gain the bass switch overloads the fuzz with bass for a dirty, more compressed sound. Finally the bias pot still allows to destroy more or less the fuzz. This new conception has been made with a special setup of silicons transistors that mimics the behavior of Germanium Transistors, for the best of both worlds! Also the conception of this pedal makes it a very good choice for bass players! |
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