> Did we told you that we ship worldwide?
> Zorglidays! : Zorg Effects will be closed from the 29th of August until the 15th of September. You can still place an order, I'll process them upon my return. > Important notice! : There's currently two weeks of delay between your order and shipment for all pedals. > UK customers : Be aware that since brexit UK customs will charge you around £49 to import a Blow! with full options.
Love Philter PCB and all the components you need to mount the pedal, less the enclosure.
This kit level is HARD. The following knowledges are mandatory to build it:
- You should have already mounted another kit.
- Basics of opamp theory.
- Basics of audio filters.
- Bipolar transistor theory.
- What's a photoresistance.
Love Philter's page
User's manual
Technical Data
Kit: Mounting instructions